Sunday Mornings
Sunday School: Every Sunday at 9:15 am throughout the school year. There are classes available for Adults, Students in grades 3-8, and Children from birth to 2nd grade.
Worship Service: Every Sunday at 10:30 am at 631 W. Ashton Avenue in Lima. Come as you are. We really mean it!
Nursery: This important ministry is provided every Sunday for ages 0-2. As a safety policy, parents must sign-in and sign-out their child.
Jr. Worship: This ministry is provided on most Sundays for ages 3 – 2nd grade. As a safety policy, parents must sign-in and sign-out their child.
All kids of all ages are invited to stay in the worship service and sing with their family for the first part of the worship service. Then, children are dismissed before the sermon with their parents’ permission. Parents lead their children and sign them into their respective kids’ ministry.
We seek to provide a safe, clean, and Bible-based children’s ministry at CrossPoint Community Church. All nursery and jr. worship volunteers have passed a background check. Questions? Call our church office at 567-371-1382, or email us at [email protected]
Children's Ministry
at CrossPoint
Discipleship Groups
What is a disciple? A disciple is simply a learner of Jesus Christ, one who seeks to make Jesus the ruler of every area of their lives.
What is a D group? D group stands for discipleship group. It is a small group of people who meets at least two times per month to eat together, study God’s Word together, pray together, minister together, and reach out together. Christianity is meant to be lived out in community. These groups enable us to live out the “one another passages of Scripture.”
We encourage everyone to be a part of D group. Anyone is welcome as we eat together, study the Word, and pray together. Childcare will be provided during the study and prayer time.
D groups vary in time and location of meeting depending on the group you wish to attend. We also have a monthly Youth D group. If you are interested in joining a D group or have questions, please contact the church office at 567-371-1382 or email us at [email protected].
Ministry to Women
Throughout the year we have a variety of ways women can connect with each other and be discipled in their walk with God. We mainly offer Bible studies, opportunities for prayer and periodic events. If you’re interested in attending and want more information, please contact the church at 567-371-1382 or email us at [email protected].
Men’s Fellowship
Join a small group of men the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:00am at the church. We eat, catch up with one another and spend a little time in the Word and prayer for one another. If you’re interested in attending, show up! If you want more information, contact the church at 567-371-1382 or email us at [email protected].