Birth – 2 Years Old
Nursery: This important ministry is provided every Sunday for ages 0-2. As a safety policy, parents must sign-in and sign-out their child.
Jr. Worship
Age 3 – 2nd Grade
Jr. Worship: This ministry is provided each Sunday, except the last Sunday of the month, for ages 3 – 2nd grade. As a safety policy, parents must sign-in and sign-out their child.
All kids of all ages are invited to stay in the worship service and sing with their family for the first part of the worship service. Then, children are dismissed before the sermon with their parents’ permission. Parents lead their children and sign them into their respective kids’ ministry.
We seek to provide a safe, clean, and Bible-based children’s ministry at CrossPoint Community Church. All nursery and jr. worship volunteers have passed a background check. Questions? Call our church office at 567-371-1382, or email us at [email protected] here.
FAQs about Children’s Ministry
How often do you offer children’s ministry classes?
We offer nursery (ages 0 – 2) every Sunday, and we offer junior worship (ages 3 – 8) at least two times per month, typically every Sunday except the last Sunday of the month. We have everyone in the worship service together for the first 20 minutes while we sing praises to Jesus Christ, and then we dismiss parents to take their child and check them into either nursery or junior worship. Then, parents return to the worship service to hear from God’s Word. During the Sundays that we do not offer junior worship, we do offer a small coloring packet for kids to use during the sermon if parents so choose.
If my child has to sit in through the whole worship service, will he/she get bored?
Maybe, but we believe it is valuable for children to learn how to sit through a worship service and listen to a sermon, even if they do not understand it. Over time, children will grow in this skill, and you will be surprised how much children can learn from God’s Word with the adults. Children will learn the greatness and glory of God, and they will learn that church is about listening to God’s Word and glorifying Jesus Christ. Our goal is eventually for your child to be able to sit in the worship service with you, learn to be a part of the entire family of God, and listen to God’s Word being preached.
What is the curriculum used for the Nursery Class?
Our ministry to the littlest ones at CrossPoint is unique in that it is far more than a babysitting service. Children learn far earlier than is often apparent. Therefore, we use a curriculum from Children Desiring God (which is part of the Desiring God Ministries of Pastor John Piper) that is specifically designed to teach and reinforce specific stories and truths about God. These truths are:
Lesson 1: God made everything – Creation
Lesson 2: Only God is big – Adam and Eve’s sin
Lesson 3: God is good – God keeps his promise to Abraham
Lesson 4: God always wins – God delivers his people from Pharaoh
Lesson 5: God knows everything – God provides for Elijah
Lesson 6: There is only one God – God heals Naaman
Lesson 7: God is everywhere – God is with Jonah
Lesson 8: Jesus is here – Jesus’ birth
Lesson 9: We love Jesus – The wise men worship Jesus
Lesson 10: Jesus is the boss – Jesus calms the storm
Lesson 11: Jesus loves me – Jesus welcomes the children
Lesson 12: Jesus is a friend – Jesus forgives Zaccheus
Lesson 13: Jesus is alive – Jesus died on the cross and rose again!
These 13 stories are repeated four times each year in order to lay a foundation for future learning as the children grow out of the nursery and move on to Junior Worship.
What is the curriculum used for the Jr. Worship Class?
We are currently using the curriculum “The New City Catechism” published by Crossway. This curriculum is specifically designed to help children learn the core doctrines of the Christian faith. There are three volumes of lessons in this curriculum (52 Lessons Total), and we started January 2021.
Volume 1: God, creation and fall, law
Volume 2: Christ, redemption, grace
Volume 3: Spirit, restoration, growing in grace